The Rules of Detox

This program is an Online Guided Sugar Detox Program.  It is specifically designed to help strip away the excess sugar you are consuming in your day.  Sugar is found in so many hiding places in the food that we eat every day.  It can be found in the obvious sources like:  cookies, cakes, pies, baked goods, fruit juices, and soda.  But it can also be found in some less suspect places, like your salad dressing, ketchup, BBQ sauce, snack foods, and many more.  This can make finding the sugar in your diet very hard, and even harder to break the chains that Sugar has on how you feel.

By following the food guide in this program, I am going to show you which foods to choose, and show you a great tasty menu plan to help break your sugar addictions.

Cooking is essential for this program, you are going to need to prep food, grocery shop and plan ahead to have success with this program.  This is one of the biggest mistakes you may have made before when trying to cut down the sugar.  If you don’t have a plan, you plan to fail!  It’s that simple.

I am going to give you daily menu plans, recipes, and shopping lists to make sure you have everything you need to succeed.  And don’t worry, you don’t need to be a chef to prepare these meals.

If I can do it, anyone can do it!

Identify that you choose sugar options because they make you feel good.  Sugar activates your pleasure center in your brain, it tells your brain that you are happy.  Who doesn’t need a dose of that every now and again!  But when this becomes the go-to way to deal with life’s issues and stressors you are going to have a sugar problem.  To move past the sugar addictions, we are going to have to identify which emotions you are eating to satisfy.  So, we are going to have to do some journaling. 

I will help you with this in the videos section of this program

If I have learned anything in my 10 years of being a Naturopath, I have learned that THIS is one of the most empowering things I can do for someone to help build a lifelong strategy to help cope with Sugar addictions.

Remember, your will power will only take you so far.  We need to change the reason WHY you want sugar in the first place. 

Those 2 reasons are:  Emotional eating, and GUT dysfunction.
Emotions we just covered a bit, and I think everyone Is guilty of some point in their lives eating to satisfy an emotion, myself included.  But that is not an effective way to deal with how you feel.

This is one major area we need to change.

Second, GUT dysfunction.Did you know that your GUT is talking to your BRAIN. It’s telling you what you want to eat, what you crave, how happy or sad you are and a whole bunch of other interesting messages.

I will help break this down for you in the videos section of this program.The GUT is complicated for sure, but I am going to do my best to break it down so you can understand what is happening.As we progress through this 14 Day Sugar Detox Challenge, I will start to introduce the topic of Gut Repair.Which for many will be exactly where you start when you finish this 14 day Program.