At Mark Kibyuk Natural Health Services – we never like to guess. The human body is a complicated place and so many afflictions and auto immune diseases can have identical symptoms for patients. As such, we pride ourselves on providing the highest level of testing available in North America to properly diagnose what is happening and thus recommending the best clinical path forward. We only use accredited medical laboratories that focus on patient well-being, building strong collaborative relationships with clinicians, and advancing the science of wellness. Please set up a consult with us to properly diagnose what’s been going on and set up a path forward.
The test used most commonly at my clinic would be:
Organic Acids Test
The Organic Acid Test is simple to use (urine collection) and is a foundational test that should be considered for anyone dealing with a chronic health problem. Doctors often use this test for people with autism, mental health problems, fatigue, autoimmune disorders, cancer, poor sleep, etc.
The Organic Acid Test (OAT) is a comprehensive assessment for a wide variety of biomarkers related to yeast (candida) and bacteria toxicity – specifically clostridia bacteria. It also evaluates oxalate toxicity, as well as mitochondria function, and various markers for vitamin and neurotransmitter problems. The Organic Acid Test includes a section for amino acid metabolites which can detect inborn errors of metabolism.
Vitamin D Tests
Vitamin D deficiency is an endemic problem and has been identified as an important risk factor in a variety of conditions. Vitamin D deficiency has now been shown as a risk factor for strokes, heart attacks, many forms of cancer, autoimmune regulation, anxiety and depression. We routinely test levels of Vitamin D3 and instruct patients how to supplement appropriately to achieve the optimal dose. After a period of supplementation, the Vitamin D3 levels are often retested to confirm that the target blood range has been achieved.
Stool Tests
The Latest Advancement in Improving Digestion: Specialty Stool Analysis
When we treat the cause we can fix the problem. This statement is useful in many areas of life but especially in digestive problems. How do you know what the cause is unless you get a great picture of what is happening in your digestive tract?
Stool samples sent to specialty laboratories give us the best that science has to offer in understanding what is happening in your digestive tract. Information can be gathered regarding enzyme production and how well you digest your food, how balanced are the gut microflora, yeast and other microbes and much more. These tests combined with our clinical assessment are the best that science has to offer in truly understanding the cause of your digestive symptoms and directing how to create a plan to improve them.
These tests are helpful for patients who suffer from the following non-exhaustive list: gas or bloating, diarrhea or constipation, cramping, mal-absorption, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, diverticulitis, GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disorder), indigestion, ulcers, gall bladder problems. etc..
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis
Hair Mineral Analysis is screening test to measure the levels of up to 60 essential minerals and toxic metals. With correct testing and interpretation, one can construct a comprehensive metabolic profile of the human body.
Hair is an excellent biopsy material. It is easy to sample, easily preserved and transported, represents a soft tissue of the body, and is a storage and eliminative tissue. As hair grows it forms a permanent record of the body’s nutritional deficiencies or excesses.
This information, along with dietary and nutritional evaluations, will provide the basis for a nutritional balancing program to establish and maintain optimal levels of wellness. By correcting tissue mineral levels and ratios with proper diet, supplementary nutrients and lifestyle modifications, many physical and behavioral health conditions can be prevented or reversed.
Genetic Testing
Find out what percent of your DNA comes from populations around the world, ranging from East Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, Europe, and more. Break European ancestry down into distinct regions such as the British Isles, Scandinavia and Italy. People with mixed ancestry, African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans will also get a detailed breakdown.