MK Sugar Detox Program - Save me from Sugar

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MK Sugar Detox Program - Save me from Sugar

from $39.00

14 day program, and 28 day program.

$39 dollars - 14 day:

  • Video content

  • Motivational Texts

  • Shopping list

  • Daily Menu Plan

  • Supplement Recommendations

  • 15 Minute follow up call with me

$59 dollars - 28 day stack

  • Educational Videos

  • Motivational Text Messages

  • Shopping list

  • Menu Plan

  • Supplement recommendations

  • Top 5 Smoothie Recommendations

  • 15 minute follow up call

  • 10%off your next program


Rules of the Detox

This program is an Online Guided Sugar Detox. It is specifically designed to help strip away the excess sugar you are consuming every day.

Sugar is easy to find in obvious sources like cookies, cakes, pies, baked goods, fruit juices, and soda. But sugar is also hiding in many less-suspect foods, such as your salad dressing, ketchup, BBQ sauce, snack foods, and many more. This can make identifying the exact sources of the sugar in your diet very hard, and even harder to break the chains that sugar has on you.

By following the food guide in this program, you will learn which foods to choose and I will show you an amazing and tasty menu plan to help break your sugar addiction.

Cooking is essential for this program.

You are going to need go grocery shopping, prep food, and plan ahead to achieve success with this program. Not having a plan is one of the biggest mistakes you can make when trying to cut down the sugar. If you don’t have a plan, you plan to fail!  It’s that simple.

I am going to give you daily menu plans, recipes, and shopping lists to help ensure you have everything you need to succeed. You don’t need to be a chef to prepare these meals. If I can do it, so can you!

Identifying why you eat sugar is the first step.

Sugar activates the pleasure center in your brain and tells your brain that you are happy. But when this becomes the go-to way to deal with life’s issues and stressors you are going to have a sugar problem. To move past the sugar addiction, we are going to have to identify which emotions you are eating to satisfy. So, we are going to have to do some journaling. I will help you with this in the videos section.

If I have learned anything in my 10 years as a Naturopath, I have learned that this is one of the most empowering things I can do for someone to help build a lifelong strategy for addressing sugar addiction.

Remember, your will power will only take you so far. We need to change the reason(s) why you want sugar in the first place. Two of the reasons are: emotional eating and gut dysfunction.

First of all, I think everyone ss guilty at some point in their lives of eating to satisfy an emotion, myself included. But that is not an effective way to deal with how you feel. This is one major area we need to change.

The second reason is gut dysfunction. Did you know that your gut is talking to your brain? It’s telling you what you want to eat, what you crave, how happy or sad you are, and a whole bunch of other interesting messages. I will help break this down for you in the videos section of this program. I will also show you how to repair your gut and help these sugar problems from coming back.

Why Do a Sugar Detox?

The food you eat powers your body.

The food choices you make determine if you are feeling like driving a Ferrari or that old station wagon your grandparents used to drive when you were young. Your food choices have the power to change how you feel and you have an opportunity to change how you feel with each meal of the day.

Change your food habits. Change your life. Simple.

This program is NOT a diet.

Diets have a limiting mindset which can set you up to fail. Many people that go on diets ask these two common questions. How long is this plan?  What am I not allowed to eat? Do you see the problem with those questions?

I agree that if you can plow though a program for two weeks, that’s great!  But when it’s over you didn’t learn anything. You deprived yourself of the things you wanted, and you probably went back to the same eating habits that got you in trouble in the first place. The result? Failure. Focusing on what you cannot have will only show you limitations.

Remember, the universe shows your opportunities to pursue the things you think about most. What are you thinking about?

I want to share the incredible opportunities with you. The best way to do that is to show you how choosing great foods can make you feel great. Together, we’ll go through the steps of preparing, cooking, and experiencing the process. By the end, you will have learned new skills and gained confidence to positively affect your life and to feel better for much longer than just the few days of this program.

Clean up your Gut and Function Better

Your gut is one your body’s most important foundation systems. You have more than 1 trillion cells in your gut, made of Microbes: Bacteria, fungus, viruses, and yeasts. Collectively they are termed your Microbiome. Your Microbiome influences your behavior, mood, cravings, skin, energy, immune system, and a significant number of important functions that help you perform at your best.

Excess sugar is a burden on this system. The sugar consumption disrupts your Microbiome, promotes imbalances in the yeast and bacteria, and changes the conditions in your gut. Symptoms of this imbalance include bloated, gassy, pain; food sensitivities; skin conditions; lowered immunity; impaired mood; and low energy. These are just some of the signs you body may be giving you to let you know there is something wrong with your gut.

When we strip away the sugar, we change the food we feed these Microbes, and give our bodies the beneficial, wholesome, nutritious foods that are necessary to start the process of rebalancing the gut.

This is the true path to changing how you feel.

Why is this Plan Right for You?

  1. I am saving you time and effort, while reducing the irritation of determining what you should eat to feel better. I am putting a daily plan on your phone for you to follow. I am giving you the Menu plan, grocery list, recipes, nutritional information, and ability to track your progress all through my app. It’s as simple as making the food and eating it. You will feel better.

  2. Accountability. I am going to ask you to track everything you eat, so you can be responsible for your choices and see your progress. I will be reviewing the data you track, so when I see you falter, I will be there to help you.

  3. You are not alone. I will be your lifeline through this Sugar Detox Program. You will have instant access to me via text to help answer any questions you have. I will be there to support you the whole time.

  4. Quality supplement recommendations. Supplements are a tremendous help when it comes to dealing with some of the symptoms of a sugar detox. I have an excellent Support Pack ready for you that can help you with the side effects of sugar detox.

  5. Continued care. After the plan, you and I will schedule a 15-minute appointment (virtual or phone call) to discuss your next steps and goals.

What You Receive

  • Video content through my Member Portal, to help educate you on the everyday, major impacts of sugar.

  • Discussion:  I am here to guide and support you with this process.

  • Access to my APP

    • Menu Plan- check

    • Shopping list- check

    • Daily guides- check

    • Recipes- check

    • Accountability- check

    • Fitness tracking- Check

    • Continued coaching- check.

Are you ready to take your health back?