8 Signs your Nutrient Deficient
8 signs you're Deficient in Nutrients
Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies are all around us. Today’s article I will break down the Top 8 signs and symptoms you may have Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies.
How do the nutrient deficiencies get there?
Well, about 75% of people don’t consume the recommended daily intake or fruit, and 80% fail to get the adequate recommended amounts of vegetables in their day. (1) So the nutrients don’t come in from the diet, PLUS there are so many people with GUT related issues which may hinder the absorption of those minerals. PLUS so many of us are chronically stressed, which will also impact our vitamin and mineral status.So let’s get you the top
8 Signs you may be Vitamin and Mineral Deficient
Brittle hair and Nails
Hair is made of a protein called Keratin, if you are not consuming enough protein from your diet, or if you are not breaking that protein down effectively, your hair and nails may be showing that sign. This an issue for you? Make sure you are eating good quality protein 3 times per day. You can also try some digestive assistance when you eat your meals. I like this enzyme to help with digestion.
2. Mouth Ulcers and cracks in your Lips
Mouth ulcers and cracked lips can be linked to B vitamin Deficiencies as well as iron deficiencies. (2) Where to find B vitamins in your Diet? Honey, Greens, peppers, Kiwi, Salmon, Eggs.
Iron? Beef, Spinach, Kale, Pumpkin seeds to name a few.I use this Multi Vitamin to get my clients these nutrients in a nice well balanced formula.
3. Bleeding Gums
Vitamin C deficiency may explain bleeding gums. With this though, you may also experience slow wound healing, easily bruising, dry skin, and sometimes frequent nosebleeds. For vitamin C my favorite foods are: Kiwi, Greens, Peppers, pineapple, and pears. Supplements? I use this form of Vitamin C most commonly, but I prefer you get your vitamin C from your food.
4. Poor night vision
Poor nighttime vision may be linked to vitamin A deficiency. Vitamin A helps part of your retina make color pigments which help with you seeing at night. This one is ALL food based recommendations. Please don’t use vitamin A Supplements unless a doctor diagnoses you with vitamin A deficiency and guides your care.
Best foods for Vitamin A include: Cod liver oil, Organ meats, Sweet potato, Yams, eggs, dark leafy greens.
5. Scaly patches and Dandruff
Dry patchy areas of the skin are common. What is interesting is that the body sometimes needs some support to regulate the oil production of the skin regularly. A few suggestions, focus on your GUT health first, make sure your Microbiome is in good shape.
Check out What factors impact your Microbiome?
Nutrients may be involved as well, when I see this I recommend the following supports. A high quality Omega 3 supplement which is quality tested for purity and potency. Like this one.
Second, I like to use some Zinc, zinc helps with skin wound healing and is very helpful for skin conditions. And there is usually some kind of dietary influence as well, in most cases I find it is Dairy.
6. Hair loss
Hair loss is a major problem for many people. Hair loss can have many different reasons why it can happen. They can include: Pattern baldness ( genetics), hormone imbalances, Stress hormone imbalances, nutrient deficiencies, and many more. Since this article is about nutrient deficiencies these are the most common deficiencies I see.
Protein levels are not adequate, or not digested properly.
B Vitamins
Omega 3’s.
When I see this happening with my clients, I always want to put the Lifestyle pieces together first.
What 3 things can you do to feel great? Make sure you watch this Youtube Video.
Remember, we want to fix the lifestyle factors before we just throw a bunch of supplements at you.
7. Red or white bumps on your skin
Red bumps on the skin usually tell us there is something up with your digestion. When I see this on the backs of people’s arms, I usually take the time to remove a few food triggers from the diet. Sometimes this is enough to solve the issues. Because everyone’s body responds differently to foods, it's hard for me to tell you exactly which ones may be at play, but a great starting place is to remove the excess sugar from your diet. Let me show you the ropes, Grab this Email Series on Detoxifying Sugar from your Diet
Nutrients which may be deficient include: Vitamin’s A and C. And remember, Vitamin A we are encouraging you to get this from your diet by eating: Meat, organ meats, eggs, leafy greens.
8. Restless Legs
Restless legs can be a major main for many people, the major symptom is the constant need/want to move your legs. This can be painful after a while, as the legs don’t get a chance to relax, and can impact your sleep as well as your overall well being. For this I usually see Magnesium, and Electrolytes out of balance. Electrolytes are things that dissolve in water and can make energy, like sodium, potassium, calcium, etc. for this I usually encourage the use of Sea Salt, Pink Salts on foods. Magnesium is also another wonderful substance which may help these restless legs. I use the Magnesium Glycinate most commonly when I see this in practice.There may also be a link to low iron in the body as well when it comes to restless legs. But for me, I find that the addition of Magnesium and electrolytes is usually enough to do the trick.
Do you experience any of these symptoms?
If so, it’s likely time you take a look at your diet, and lifestyle and see if making some positive changes can help these symptoms.If you need help getting started, you can always download my FREE E-guide. This will show you how to get going, and make some positive changes in your life.
If you have questions, feel free to email me.