


$37.00 every month for 4 months

Heart burn is a terrible feeling that no one should have to experience…but thousands do every week. The pain and discomfort can be extremely difficult for many to properly mange, and the anxiety induced by these feelings palpable and highly distracting.

Health brands and wellness products claim to solve heartburn problems, and they may even bring temporary comfort, but they don’t touch on the underlying health problems which cause heart burn in the first place. There are a number of proposed reasons why many experience heartburn on a monthly or weekly basis, but there’s on theory which has gained traction quicker than the rest.

As a Naturopath, I believe that it’s essential to find the root cause of an ailment and eliminate it at its source, so the body may properly align in a healthy and productive manner. Curing the symptom doesn’t do enough if the underlying cause remains.

So, what causes heartburn? I believe that the source for many of my clients is GUT dysfunction. 

Have you felt that your gut is working against you? As if your digestive track just won’t cooperate with your mind and the rest of your body?

Many of my clients have the same problem; it’s a recurring issue which doesn’t go away on its own and leaves people feeling sluggish and sickly at all hours of the day.

This new program is designed with the gut in mind. It’s purposes is to help people make better decisions when it comes to diet and exercise, and, consequently, help the body heal naturally. By adjusting diets and rebalancing the bacterial composition of the gut, many people find relief from their heartburn symptoms and lead more productive, fulfilling lives.

Please, Join me on this journey to restore your gut function and allow your body the energy and resources it needs to heal and move forward.